My name is Willie Sayer, and I would like to introduce you to our company Sayer Delivery Service, Inc.
We have been in business since 1960 serving over 300 companies across the United States.
We offer expedited freight and dedicated transportation.
"We can have someone on the road within the hour, getting your freight to where it needs to go".
We offer 24 Hour Service with a fleet of over 25 vehicles, from pick up trucks all the way to 53ft box vans and 48ft flatbeds, with a staff of 30 drivers. We are insured as well as APSC and ICC registered.
We have been serving the paper and automotive industry in Alabama for over 35 years and fully understand the special needs of these industries including just in time deliveries.
We would be very interested in placing a bid with you for your upcoming logistic needs. If you would help us by faxing a description of these needs we will be sure to give this Priority Attention.

Sayer Delivery Service Inc. 218 S Chestnut St. Prattville, AL. 36067
Office: 334-365-6225 Fax: 334-365-6049